Happy New Year, Everybody!!! WOW! Thanks for joining me for another edition of Good Call/Bad Call, right here, on wrestlingnewscenter.com. I know it's been forever since I've last updated. Kinda been hibernating, as of late. As good ole JR would say it's been, "Stone Cold! Stone Cold!" Since it's been so cold, I could not pass up the opportunity to post a picture of everyone's favorite wrestler of the late 90s, Glacier! OK, so maybe I exaggerated just a bit. His evil nemesis, Mortis, had quite a following, as well. Let's see, where do I begin?

I must say that I haven't been as excited about watching wrestling on a Monday night in a long, long time as I was in anticipation of watching WWE and TNA go head-to-head on Monday, January 4th. It just brought back so many great memories of watching the Monday Night Wars between Raw and Nitro. What made the night so huge was, of course, the debut of Hulk Hogan on TNA and the return of Bret Hart as he made his first appearance inside a WWE ring in over twelve years. Who do I think won? I think TNA won, hands down, because they pulled out all the stops and were more entertaining. It was great seeing everyone pop up and that's what kept me glued to the set. How cool is it to see Eric Bischoff in charge, again? Did they get off to a slow start with the Steel Asylum? Absolutely! That definitely didn't go the way they planned it, but Jeff Hardy popped in to save the day and hasn't been seen since. While TNA started slow, WWE delivered the best at the beginning, in my opinion, with the Bret Hart/Shawn Michaels face-to-face showdown. That was truly a great moment that so many people thought they would never see. After that, everything else just paled in comparison to TNA. Raw needs help. More on that later, but let's talk a little more TNA shall we?
As soon as I saw "Nature Boy" Ric Flair get out of the limo on TNA, I knew what I wanted to see. Flair versus Sting, one more time. What a great promo he had Thursday on iMPACT! That cracked me up. Woooooo!!!
Really like watching Desmond Wolfe and how about Generation Me's debut against The Motor City Machineguns? Those "Young Bucks" are amazing! To me that was the best part of last week's iMPACT! I didn't really care for the main event between AJ and Tomko. Thought that was a bad way of following their big three-hour show.
I had a feeling that most of the people that worked the Hulkamania tour in Australia would be following Hogan to TNA. That pretty much came to fruition with appearances by Sean Morley, The Nasty Boys, Orlando Jordan, Shannon Moore and the debut of MR. ANDERSON at Genesis. After reading the results of Genesis, I was a little disappointed. I was expecting a lot more. Sure, it's going to be interesting to see AJ as a heel. I just hope he's not goofy like he was when he was kissing Christian and Kurt's backside.
I wish Hulk and Eric wouldn't have got rid of the six-sided ring. That's one of the things that set TNA apart from the competition. Now, they're just like everyone else. I was excited to see Scott Hall and Sean Waltman back together with "The Band" at first, but after reading about Scott backing out of his match at Genesis and reports of Waltman arriving late, not sure if they really need them there. Let's face it, if say Consequences Creed or Amazing Red would have backed out of a match on a pay-per-view, they would be released on the spot. Also read, that Nash does not want to have any responsibility for the two, so that should raise some red flags, right there. It seems like Hall and Waltman are trying to get "the money for nothin' and the chicks for free", but in reality, they're "lookin' like a fool with their pants on the ground!"
Didn't care at all for the ending of this week's iMPACT! Can't believe they went the screwjob route. That was just a blatant rip-off of the WWE, right there. C'mon, I know they can come up with something better than that. Should be interesting to see where things go from here in TNA.
WWE is gearing up for the Royal Rumble. One of my favorite pay-per-views of the year. Gotta love the rumble! Unfortunately, they've already spoiled all the fun because all signs are leading toward HBK winning so he can get his proposed rematch with Taker at this year's WrestleMania. Kinda have mixed feelings about the rematch. Of course, I wanna see them go at it, again, but don't want to be disappointed if it fails to live up to all the expectations. Speaking of Michaels, did anyone else find it utterly hilarious when they saw his little tantrum at the end of Raw when there was a slight delay with the crew playing Cena's music.
As noted earlier, Bret Hart is back with the company and involved in a storyline with Vinnie Mac. Just glad to see something different. To me, I think Raw needs to make some changes. It's the same thing, week after week, with D-X, Cena, Orton, Legacy, Jericho, Hornswoggle and Santino impersonating the guest host. The guest host concept is a good idea, but I feel it's beginning to loose its sizzle. Happy to see that they put the belt on Sheamus. That was a shocker! I know this has been heavily debated on the net, but I'm just glad to see someone, anyone, with the belt, besides Cena and Orton. Intriguing match they made for the Rumble between Sheamus and Orton.
Loved The Miz's promo, last week, and his confrontation with MVP. That was AWESOME!
I think Christian and Zack Ryder would be good fits on Raw. Woo! Woo! Woo! You know it!
Glad to see Creed's frontman, Scott Stapp, wrestling over on ECW. Oh wait, that's Trent Barreta.
Surprised to see Ezekiel Jackson win the ECW Homecoming. He is Ahmed Johnson reincarnated. Vladimir Kozlov is Nikolai Volkoff, without the singing, yet. However, it's good to know that Vlad likes chili cheese fries, Hannah Montana and 24-hour Wal-Mart.
Over on Smackdown, we are seeing Batista and Rey Mysterio wrestle every week. Now, I've always liked Batista, since his days in Evolution. Shoot, we share the same physiques. I know, I'm in the minority there because many, many people out there really don't like him. I understand. Heck, that's what makes wrestling, sports, music and life so great. If everyone liked the same thing, things would get rather boring, really quick, now wouldn't they? I digress. I'm not buying Batista as a heel. He can't say two words without cracking that cheshire grin. Plus, he's getting punked out on a weekly basis, by little Rey when you know all Big Dave wants to do is hug it out. Watching Batista try to come across as a crazed, altered animal is like seeing Big Bird act like a badass. It's just not happening.

CM Punk is on top of his game, right now. He shines in that role.
I feel like "The Ripper" Paul Burchill and Mike Knox are underrated. Evan Bourne is underused as he continues to get buried on Raw. He needs to be on Smackdown. Who do you think is underrated?
Can't believe they let Drew McIntyre, of all people, defeat John Morrison and win the IC belt. I'm sorry, but I've not been too thrilled with that decision. The only thing impressive about him is his ability to sound like a 90 year old man. Can't you just hear him asking Hornswoggle to come over for some popsicles?

If that wasn't enough, he's also engaged to ECW General Manager, Tiffany. Lucky dog. I know, I'm a hater. I'm sure he'll grow on me in due time.
I would like to congratulate all the 2009 Wrestling News Center Award Winners for their excellent achievements. Also wanna thank all of our loyal visitors for making WrestlingNewsCenter.com RRO'S 2009 "Website Of The Year" for the second straight year. Thanks so much for your continued support. I'm so grateful to be a part of this wonderful website and staff that includes:
"Hollywood" Jimmy-Memphis Wrestling Legend
Tia Blaylock-Webmaster/World Renowned Photographer
Axeman-The Axeman Speaks/Chop Chop
T-Bone Terrence Ward-The T-Bone Factor/Wrestling Unmasked
Brian Reese- Wrestling Photographer/Journalist
Frank D. Wilson-Total Chaos Artwork and Stories
JASON THE BRAIN-Thoughts From The Brain
Adam Bell-Wrestling Reviews
XOW Wrestling-Specializing in Mayhem and Madness
Timothy Kendrick-Best Selling Author
Ollie "By Golly" Bradford-Blog-O-Rama/ONLY International Scholarship Award-Winning contributor to wrestlingnewscenter.com
Big Mike-Video Productions
Jack Flash-Reporter
2010 is gonna be a great year. Looking forward to catching lots of great shows, this year. Excited to hear that CWA is back and running a special Night Of The Legends Show in Ripley, Mississippi at the Tippah County Coliseum on Friday, February 12th. Stay tuned to the Wrestling News Center for more information. Rodney Grimes always delivers great shows. Always loved going to Selmer to watch the CWA shows at the Jaycees Building, back in tha day.
Women's Wrestling
Hamada is one of my new favorite TNA Knockouts. She's fearless and her matches have been the highlight of some of the shows in the past. Also digging Alissa Flash's work. She very well could be the third Bella and reminds me a lot of Bull Nakano, as well. Of course, she's a tad bit smaller, but equally as hott! Bummed to hear that she's requested her release. Can't believe Awesome Kong is leaving. I guess that altercation really did go down between her and Bubba. WWE would be crazy to pass up the opportunity to acquire her. And just think, at this year's Cyber Sunday event, the WWE Universe could very well get to vote on what sexy outfit Kong will get to wear. Oh, the possibilities! Poor Lacey Von Erich. Bless her heart. She's perfect eye candy, but has the coordination of Khali.
Not sure why the WWE does not let Natalya wrestle more. It seems like they're too busy trying to humiliate Mickie James before she leaves the company to pursue her singing career.

Can anyone tell me what tha hell Beth Pheonix is holding above her head all the time? I don't see anything, but I do have an idea. I believe she is fantasizing about holding up a big bucket of KFC's Grilled Chicken. Tia knows all about that.
Hopefully, women's wrestling will be showcased more on the local level.
What if? WrestleMania For Local Talent
Who says that the WWE are the only ones that can have a HUGE wrestling extravaganza each year? What if there was such an event held in the South each year, for all of the local talent, organizations and fans to come together as one and share a super duper experience? Think about it. Wouldn't it be great to hold an enormous convention over the course of a weekend, each year? I'm talking autograph signings, meet and greets, Q & A sessions, a Hall of Fame banquet and round out the weekend with an incredible night of wrestling. Of course, there would have to be some sort of rules and regulations. Let's face it, everybody cannot wrestle on the show. So, there would be a board of legendary representatives from each state and throughout the year, they would monitor all the local shows and select, who they feel best represents that state. Each state rep selects 4-6 workers and they're on the big card. Then, of course, jealousy would probley rear its ugly head and they would be ridiculed and scrutinized with great vengeance on message boards and so forth for being the chosen few.
The best thing about the weekend, besides being lots of fun, would be that all the local workers, promoters and fans could come together for one HUGE networking opportunity. This could open the doors for workers to get bookings in other places and promoters to find new talent to bring in to freshen things up at times. Might even create that spark once filled during the territory days. It would also be an excellent money making opportunity for wrestlers' at gimmick tables and a way for organizations to promote upcoming shows. Just think of all the new fans to be gained. Think Career Day, but sprinkled heavily with lots of wrestling. You know there would be loads of former and present big name stars willing to come, once they got word.
Next question, where would this event be held? A different state each year. It would probley mean there would have to be a coin toss or pulling straws for the first event. Just kidding. The first one would probley take place at whichever state rep could get the biggest building for the cheapest price. Meaning whoever had the best connections. So one year, you could have it in say, Little Rock, Arkansas the next in Tupelo, Mississippi and from there to Atlanta, Georgia the following year and Memphis, Tennessee the year after. Wouldn't it be great to hold something like this in the Mid-South Coliseum? If only "The King" would have won Mayor? Commercials could be ran in each state and get plugged at all the local shows and on the internet, of course.
Now, I know what you're thinking. He's completely lost his mind. This will never, ever happen. And I would say you're probley right. Although never say never, especially in the world of professional wrestling, but the reason why this would have a hard time happening is because it would depend on too many people working together. And that's much easier said than done, especially in this day and age. That's why the title of that little tidbit is "What if". I'm just throwing it out there as something to think about. If it was to happen, it would be great and I'll be expecting my check.
The Call List
"T-Bone" Terrence Ward saluting the Mississippi State Flag-Good Call
Unknown Hinson-Good Call
Mark McGwire-What took ya so long?
Tommy Dreamer's classy ECW swan song-Good Call
WWE not acknowledging Umaga's passing during their programs-Bad Call
Daughtry, Theory of a Deadman and Cavo rocking the BCS Arena-Good Call
No Mayweather/Pacquiao fight-Bad Call
Orianthi-Good Call
Bubba The Love Sponge's recent comments on Haiti-Bad Call-Kong made him pay
TNA cancelling their house show in Tupelo-Bad Call
Those little furry boots all the ladies are wearing-Good Call (D-Like:)
Gambling.........Not so much, recently. Getting ready to try again.
The Abraham Washington Show-Good Call
NBC's Late Night Talk Show Drama-Bad Call
NEW to air on MY MS-Good Call
Snuggie-Good Call
Lenny Kravitz at Harrah's-Good Call
Getting tipsy and shaving off your dog's whiskers-Bad Call
Team Hollywood-Good Call
Tiger Woods-FORE!!!-You've gotta check out his brand-new video game @ http://www.break.com/games/tiger-woods-wife-outrun.html
Blood Runs Cold...
Thanks for reading and Good Calls to All!!!
D-Rock-Good Call
Hit me up @ www.myspace.com/drockgoodcall
Good Call/Bad Call is brought to you by D-Rock Entertainment in conjunction with Adams Media & Productions, hollywoodjimmy.com and wrestlingnewscenter.com. © 2010 Trademark. All Rights Reserved.
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